Apologies for the lack of posts recently. January means exams for us lazy students, so I've had no time for WH. But I will have some exciting posts soon; New camo patterns, and cool winter bases!
don't worry pal, i understand you as i am in the same situation. just remember i'm keeping an eye on your blog, it seems you're doing a good job with that valhallans. if you like, please get in touch via email for the white dwarf background issue!
I originally got into 40k 2nd Ed. then had about 10 years without really touching the game. Now I'm back with avengence! I will mainly be focusing on Imperial Guard Valhallan Ice Warriors, but I might stick in a couple of other bit and bobs.
don't worry pal, i understand you as i am in the same situation. just remember i'm keeping an eye on your blog, it seems you're doing a good job with that valhallans. if you like, please get in touch via email for the white dwarf background issue!